Flavors of Parma

Flavors of Parma - Taste, Know, Learn

A 360-degree experience in the world of food
Guided by a true Expert in tastes and flavors.
It is possible to book different experiences, including custom-designed ones.

A 360-degree experience in the world of food

Guided by a true Expert in Tastes and Flavors.
It is possible to book different experiences, including custom-designed ones.

Paul Tegoni

Paolo Tegoni is a leading figure in the Italian gastronomic scene. International experience, combined with his deep passion for food, has led him to become a reference consultant for the Ho.Re.Ca. sector, president of the Association of Professional Gastronomes and brand ambassador of the Demière maison in Italy. In addition to his professional activities, he is a passionate lecturer. He teaches Gastronomy: products and territories at the University of Parma. His expertise is internationally recognized, and he has written numerous articles for leading trade publications. His expertise is internationally recognized, as demonstrated by his participation in the writing of encyclopedias and volumes dedicated to Italian gastronomy.

Our proposals:

A journey through the wines of Parma

- Masterclass dedicated to wines produced in the Parma area

- Masterclass with tasting of 6 wines

- Masterclass with tasting of 6 wines and small food pairing.

The enological Emilia

- Masterclass with full immersion in Emilia's most representative wines

- Masterclass with tasting of 6 wines

- Masterclass with tasting of 6 wines and small food pairing

Let's learn to cook

Let's discover together the cuisine of Parma and Emilia.

Learn about puff pastry, tortelli di erbetta, and pasta in brodo.

All Experiences are executable with a minimum of two 2-person participants.
For cost and feasibility contact the facility.

Other proposals in the area bookable